Main entries on Sunday between 9:30 am and 11:30 Open for viewing, teas, tombola etc at 2:30 pm Children’s sports 3:30pm Auction of Produce at 4:00 pm followed by prize giving
There are classes for everyone, including some that don’t take a lot of time e.g. photos, a jug of garden flowers, strangest shaped vegetable, most attractively eaten leaf, a limerick, cookery. etc.
Donations of bottles for the Tombola and baking for the teas would be much appreciated
Everyone is welcome to join in the village show – it’s very informal, you don’t need an allotment or a large garden.
There are a wide variety of classes for all ages;
a jug of mixed garden flowers, photography, cookery
and several new classes.
Do join in and help to make this year’s show another success. Over Haddon proudly has one of
the few remaining village shows.
If you’d like to make the village show even more special,
why not bring out the bunting.
And don’t forget the auction where you can buy
excellent baking, vegetables and flowers.