The location of Over Haddon Village Hall
The village hall is located on School Lane, Over Haddon DE45 1JE.
From Bakewell take B5055 marked “Monyash”. Take the 4th left at about 1 mile signposted “Over Haddon/Lathkil Dale” (where the B5055 bears right). Follow this lane (Bakewell Road) uphill into Over Haddon to the junction of School Lane and Main Street. At the stonewall turn left, signed for “Lathkil Hotel and Village Hall”, into School Lane. The village hall entrance is on your left just past the “Playground” warning sign and before the Wesleyan Chapel on your right.
From Monyash take B5055 towards Bakewell. On leaving Monyash in around 2 miles take the 2nd turn on your right and follow this lane into Over Haddon. Carry on to the T junction with Bakewell Road and turn right then turn left into School Lane. The village hall entrance is on your left just past the “Playground” warning sign and before the Wesleyan Chapel on your right.