The Rules
- Main entries will be accepted between 9:30 and 11:30 on the day of the show. Early entries, eg. photos 5:30-6:30pm on Friday.
- Any work shown must be the sole work of the exhibitor, or grown by the exhibitor. Photos must not exceed 6” x 4”.
- Any number of exhibits can be entered by the competitor.
- Only one prize will be awarded in any class in which there are three entries or less. If there are three entries or less the decision whether to give a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize will be left to the judge.
- Auction at 4:00 pm; any item not collected by this time is liable to be sold.
- An entry fee will be charged for each exhibit: Adults 25p and children 10p. Card payments are accepted.
- Childrens prizes will be first 40p, second 30p and third 20p
The Joseph Oldfield Cup will be awarded to the entrant with the most points in the show in sections A to E.
The Womens Institute Cup will be awarded to the entrant with the most points in the show in sections B, D & E.
The Childrens Cup will be awarded to the competitor gaining the most points in sections F, G, H, I & K (children).
A Special Prize will be awarded to the 10 & under competitor with the most points in section F & H.
A Special Prize will be awarded to the 11 & over competitor with the most points in section G & I.
There will be Special Prizes awarded for Section K entries
A Special Prize will be awarded for the winning entry in section J
Donations of any extra baking for refreshments gratefully received
Showing Tips
3 Onions – From Seed; Have roots on etc.
3 Onions – Set Dressed; Cleaned up. Tie top down with cotton, clean bottoms with sandpaper
5 shallots – clean up, tie tops bent over with cotton, clean bottoms with sandpaper. Place them on a plate covered with sand neatly set out. Try to choose shallots of even shape
3 eggs (Not 4); 1 cracked into a saucer
Marmalade, Jam/Jelly, Lemon Curd; the rules on lids have been relaxed as long as the seal is hygienic and prevents bacteria.
Victoria sponge; Should only have icing sugar sprinkled on top and be filled with raspberry jam.
Planters and Scarecrows: judged in situ on Saturday morning, email to enter by Thursday 5th and have your entry photographed.